Why a Strong Brand Matters?
Building your Brand Equity can Mean More Than You Know
So many things matter when developing a brand and developing the Marketing Strategy. From the Product Management which is where a brand creates the value and communicates that value to the Customer Management where you deliver that value, these two things are intricate were it all comes together is with Brand Management. Let me quote Philp Kotler, the Father of Modern Branding, “Branding is what you are all
about.” I love this because BC (Before Covid) it was about the packaging, the logo, the print ads, and emails. NOW it’s the Brand is, a promise, a culture, maybe a lifestyle an should inspire everything you do. It should move horizontally for a company from the sales team to C-suite to the mail room. A brand is not just built in the marketing dept so today everyone should have a voice and express it in all touch points. From the
employee’s personal social posts to companywide LinkedIn Accounts.
I can’t help saying this … “Build it (from the inside out) and they will come” … if you communicate the heart and emotion of your brand, you create value which will capture their minds … this is how you build a strong brand! Working with our clients to develop strong brands is what we do.
Thank you and let’s get creative,